From the Starling Team:
Recommendations & Influences
Annie's Recommendations
My Grandmother's Hands: Racialized Trauma and the Pathway to Mending Our Hearts and Bodies by Resmaa Menakem
The Psychology of Emotion in restorative Practices" How Affect Script Psychology Explains How and Why Restorative Practices Work by Vernon C. Kelly, Jr. and Margaret Thorsborne
The Way of Mindful Education: Cultivating Well-Being in Teachers and Students by Daniel Rechstschaffen
Circle in the Square: Building Community and Repairing Harm in School by Nancy Riestenberg
The Social Neuroscience of Education: Optimizing Attachment and Learning in the Classroom by Louis Cozolino, PhD
Social Neuroscience of Education by Louis Cozolino
The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander
PODCAST: This Restorative Justice Life by Amplify.RJ
REPORT: A Generation Later: What We've Learned About Zero-Tolerance Policies by Vera Institute for Justice
Teaching Community by Bell Hooks
WEBSITE: Morningside Center for Teaching Social Responsibility
Lisa's Recommendations
The Little Book of Race and Restorative Justice by Fania Davis
Circle Forward: Building a Restorative School Community by Carolyn Boyes-Watson & Kay Pranis
Restorative Practices & Special Needs: A Practical Guide to Working Restoratively with Young People by Nick Burnett & Margaret Thorsborne
Implementing Restorative Practices in Schools" A Practical Guide to Transforming School Communities by Margaret Thorsborne & Peta Blood
The Little Book of Restorative Teaching Tools: Games, Activities, and Simulations for Understanding Restorative Justice Practices by L. Pointer, K. McGoey & H. Farrar